Home Accountability Partnership

Accountability Partnership

by Jane Anne
Stop Procrastinating, Start Making Progress, and Become Accountable For Your Writing Success

Stop Procrastinating, Start Making Progress, and Become Accountable For Your Writing Success


Never meet up with your writing plans?

Exhausted from setting the same writing goals over and over again?

Work With An Accountability Partner To Stop That Cycle

You need this partnership if you are familiar with any of these.

  • You have a burning desire to publish that draft you began months ago but can’t seem to get past a few chapters.
  • You have been planning to draft a story for ages but always find yourself unmotivated.
  • You have so many ideas to share with the world but feel overwhelmed to even try.
  • You have set a goal for yourself as a writer but always find ways to make excuses not to pursue it.
  • You have too much to handle and the motivation to finish anything you start just isn’t there anymore.

If you are feeling any of these, you are not a failure. You only lack personal accountability.


I’ve Been Where You Are!

And it is easy to fall prey to procrastination, and very quickly lose track of the writing goals you’ve set for yourself, which derails your end results.
Beginning your writing is easily the most difficult thing to comprehend and the pressure of catching up could turn into a nightmarish situation beyond your grasp.
I’m here as a guide to pull you back on track when you stray from your goals and help you achieve your goals in the shortest timeframe.

Imagine that

  • There was someone to walk with you daily, motivating and inspiring you to write your book, dust your drafts, craft your story ideas, and publish your book.
  • There was someone to help you gain clarity of purpose, break down those overwhelming thoughts and pursue your goals one step at a time.
  • There was someone to help you set smart, achievable writing goals within a specified timeframe.
  • There was someone to provide accountability check-ins and provide productivity audits for your set goals.
  • There was someone to help you stay on track, monitor your progress, and go through the rigors of achieving your writing goals with you.
Imagine that you are not alone because I’ll be there every step of the way as your accountability partner.

Here’s how I can help you achieve your writing goals in 30-90 days

  • I’ll work with you to break down large chunks of your work into smaller action plans.
  • I’ll work with you to create detailed timelines with specific goal deadlines for your projects.
  • I’ll work with you to create a system that is tailored to your needs and balances your creative and personal life.
  • I’ll act as your personal goal tracker from the start of your project until its end.
  • I’ll work with you to reclarify your goals to match real-time realistic changes.
Why should you work with me?
Here are more personal reasons why I’m best suited to work with you.
  • I’m a creative writer and understand the rigors of meeting deadlines and struggling to maintain a holistic work/life integration.
  • I’ll help you define your writing goals, gain clarity on your processes, and set your focus on smart action plans to achieve them.
  • I’ll become your biggest motivator and cheerleader
  • I’ll curtail your excesses and help you move past procrastinating your writing plans
  • I’ll provide real-time support and work with you to smash your daily writing goals
  • I’ll make you responsible for your success, own your goals, and work towards achieving it
  • I’ll plan your writing schedule with you, and help you stick to it
  • I’ll give practical advice on issues, and brainstorm ideas with you
  • I’ll provide constructive criticism of your ideas, plans, and processes to help you work smart, and stress less.
  • I’ll be your coach, partner, buddy, and writing guide.
Are you ready to become accountable for your writing success, grow as a confident writer, publish your book within 15 – 90 days, and stop the loop of procrastination preventing your progress?
Work with me as your accountability partner, and I’ll guide your progress in real-time.
This form is an essential part of our onboarding process to tailor your needs and understand how we can best help you achieve your writing goals.