Home Creative Writing 10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Writing Skill

10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Writing Skill

by Fausat Abiola
10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Writing Skill

Writing is an artistic expression, and there are unique ways to improve your writing skill.

Another widely held definition is that writing is an effective way of communication.

Excellent writing skills are to a writer what oxygen is to a human being, because just as we wouldn’t be able to live and function without air, a writer wouldn’t get very far without solid writing abilities.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to boost your writing skill without effort, personal development, and practice.

Even if you have a natural talent for writing, you still need to put in the time and effort to become proficient at it before making a career out of it.

Improving your writing skills takes time, effort, and determination. It also demands constant learning, consistency, and practice.

Although there may not be a fast route to becoming a better writer, there are unique ways to improve your writing skills and hone your craft. This article explores 10 unique ways to improve your writing skills.

The Importance Of Developing Your Writing Skills

Writing is often the first impression your readers have of you.

The imprint you leave in their mind about your style begins with your written word because so many of your readers first encounter you through your writing, even before they meet you in person.

When you write poorly, they may conclude on your level of intelligence and professionalism based on the errors you have made or the disorganization of your thoughts on paper.

In essence, people will judge you by your writing, so clear writing will genuinely increase your chances of success.

10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

Master Your Language

Become fluent in the language you plan to write in.

Perhaps you have a decent grasp of the language for purposes, such as talking to people and reading the news. However, the ability to write well is technical.

So, learning the language thoroughly involves understanding sentence construction, selecting appropriate words, and using them correctly. Here are 7 top-read books to help you master your creative language.

Read A lot

Reading is a unique way to improve your writing skill. You can learn so much from reading widely.

Challenge yourself to read any kind of writing, including but not limited to print media, online content, and oral histories. When you take up reading as a hobby, you will find an abundance of books to choose from.

You can benefit in various ways by reading because there are many types of writing that you will encounter. It also improves your vocabulary and fills your knowledge bank with fascinating information about the craft of writing.

10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Writing Skill

Get Used To Proofreading Tools

Even the most seasoned authors occasionally make a few mistakes in their writing.

As we have already established, these blunders can detract from your message and lead your reader to form unfavorable opinions of you.

Get the help you need from Grammarly or ProWritingAid to ensure that your writing is free of typos, grammatical errors, and style blunders.

Familiarize Yourself With The Basic Principles Of Writing

You can trace writers’ success to understanding and implementing the rudimental rules of writing because, when you master the basic art of writing, it becomes second nature to you.

Your writing style and voice will grow.

Every proficient author has handy – a copy of “The Elements of Style” and a good dictionary.

I highly recommended that you get familiar with, know how to use, and frequently refer to these style guides, though you do not necessarily need to learn all the intricacies of these stylebooks. Read Understanding the Basic elements of creative writing.

Make Your Message Clear

Think about why you want to write about a topic. What do you want people to get out of reading your piece?

Try putting your message into a 40-second “elevator pitch” that explains what you want to say with your writing. Work on this speech until you have got it down.

Developing message clarity before writing saves time and wasted effort.

Avoid Using Unnecessarily Complicated Language

Avoid using complex terms when simpler words would suffice. To what extent, for instance, is the word “municipality” required when “city” or “town” would suffice?

Note that your goal should not be to impress your readers with how knowledgeable you are, but to teach them something new. Your words should be as simple as possible.

Acknowledge That First Drafts Are Often Subpar

It’s not easy to put words on paper. It’s not something you can achieve in one swift motion; Rather, it’s a lengthy process. A draft is the first version of something that you will improve upon before publishing.

The quality of most first drafts is often low and terrible, so acknowledging it while preparing for an epic editing battle is a great way to hone your writing skills. Read 6 creative ways to write consistently.

Be A Ruthless Editor

Editing and proofreading are musts before submitting any written work. Acting as your greatest critic is important. If you can shorten a sentence without changing the rhythm or the content, do so as you read through your drafts.

It’s natural and unavoidable to develop a romantic attachment to your work. Editing ruthlessly will help you observe glaring errors in your work and how to improve on them.

Anticipate Your Audience’s Questions

It’s helpful to imagine the kinds of questions your readers may have if you were having a casual chat with them about the topic you’re working on.

When writing about your experiences, knowledge, and viewpoints, anticipate the questions they could have so you can answer them thoroughly in your article.

Show Your Personality In Your Writing

Being genuine is the best method to create a distinct voice in your writing. Use your writing to express who you are.

Use a voice and style that sound and feels natural to you. When appropriate, include a personal narrative to shed light on the topic at hand.


Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing, developing these routines will help any writer improve.

After you have finished writing, you should always give your content a full read-through. While most of us read silently, reading aloud is beneficial because it captures the physicality of words.

Our understanding of reading is incomplete and impoverished unless we also take the time to read aloud. This trick will show you whether your piece flows well and if it keeps your readers interested.

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