Home Guests Posts 6 Intentional Growth Strategies For Burgeoning Writers

6 Intentional Growth Strategies For Burgeoning Writers

by Toby Funsho
6 Intentional Growth Strategies For Burgeoning Writers

You may have made firm resolutions to pursue intentional growth as a writer this New Year. To achieve that, you will need new intentional growth strategies and a plan to elevate yourself, even as a burgeoning writer.

A lot happened in the last year. You probably were inconsistent, lacked motivation, were less productive, and feel concerned about your efforts.

It’s also understandable that even with a firm resolution carved in stone, you still have no idea how to grow as a burgeoning writer this New Year.

I have outlined six growth strategies to help you succeed effortlessly and fall in love with your writing journey again.

Six Growth Strategies For Burgeoning Writers

Have The Right Mindset

The idea of growth first blossoms in your mind.

With a defeated mindset, it is impossible to hold your conviction on any possibility of growth and success with your writing. You need to develop a positive growth mindset to conquer the battle of the mind.

Sporting a negative growth mindset already defeated the aim of success before writers even encounter real challenges. So, settle in your mind that you will excel, irrespective of your challenges.

Encourage yourself to find conviction in the conscious, positive steps you are taking to keep improving and getting better.

Manifesting affirmative words is important to help your subconscious mind align with your growth mindset because if you can see it, you can be it.

Be Authentic

Be you! Your writing skills are so unique to you alone. Do not act like somebody else, because no one can write as powerfully as you can.

You’d love yourself even more if you discovered what distinguishes you from every other writer. Do not allow the success of other writers to intimidate you, rather, challenge yourself to strive for excellence!

Show up as your authentic self, and your readers, who can see through any facade of pretense, would love you for who you are.

With authenticity and an aura of originality, in your writing, you can shine in your natural habitat, so find the niche you love passionately and serve your audience.

6 Intentional Growth Strategies For Burgeoning Writers

Enjoy The Process

Most writers are only interested in the results. 1000 YouTube subscribers in a month. 12k followers and over 100k in sales of books in the shortest time possible.

You can’t skip the process and expect to get the same results.

Growth takes time. The process is tedious and gets boring along the way sometimes. However, if you can follow through, the results will amaze you.

What do you do on those long, lonely nights? With several rejections and rejected manuscripts.

Your goals may not manifest within one month of intentionality. It’s going to take time. And if all your fixation and obsession is on results only, you will become frustrated and anxious.

But when you are obsessed with the process, your efforts will cumulatively pay forward. So, go with the flow!

Start with picking a niche that resonates with you, such that when you hit a wall in your writing journey, you can still hang in there.

Show Up Consistently

Consistency is a skill you must learn now. It does not mean showing up every day. It is showing up on the days you have agreed to show up for your brand.

It means embodying discipline as a life principle to help you stay focused on your commitments and goals for yourself as a burgeoning writer.

The more you show up, the more you are present in the minds of your audience, and the more they’ll come to like and trust you.

Develop Your Writing Skills

Developing your writing skills is the most important strategy of all. Learning never ends. So, stay on top of your game as a writer.

Constantly practicing and implementing what you’ve learned will set you up for success and set you apart from the crowd.

Read books, take up writing courses, and read blog posts. Just stay up to date, not just so you can have contents to churn out to your audience, but for you.

First, grow for yourself before anyone else. So, this year, plan to invest in yourself.

Find A Community

To grow faster, belong to a community of creatives.

When you find a community that aligns with your needs as a burgeoning writer, it makes your writing process a lot easier and enjoyable.

Writing communities are significant and helpful in all areas. There are knowledgeable individuals in these communities who are ready to guide you through your journey, those on the same level as you, and even those with whom you are more knowledgeable.

A community provides you with opportunities and keeps you from slacking if you’re actively involved. You will also have people who encourage you to keep on track.

Being among people journeying to the same place as you help focus your mind, motivate, and fuel your drive, rather than trying to figure things out on your own.


If you are already familiar with these strategies, please keep at them. If you are not, then re-read this and get to work.

I hope to see you excel this year beyond the previous years. You can do it. And like my friend Jane always says, ‘I’m rooting for you!’

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Grace February 2, 2023 - 4:06 am

I love these strategies. They’re valid and all actionable, and this is one post for all writers looking to scale higher this year. Thank you.

Jane Anne February 3, 2023 - 4:21 am

Indeed they are. It’s a post for writers who value intentionality and are driven to achieve their goals this year.


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