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How To Pitch Your Guest Post Like A Pro

by Jane Anne
How To Pitch Your Guest Post Like A Pro

Writing guest post articles for other blogs is a great way to rapidly expand your portfolio as a writer.

Guesting writing for blogs in your areas of interest as a freelancer or professional helps you broaden your professional experience.

What’s A Guest Post?

A guest post is an article written and submitted by a writer to a blog or platform other than theirs.

Two Ways To Land A Guest Post Opportunity

  • By Contract
  • By Cold Pitching

What Is A Contracted Guest Post Opportunity?

As a writer, anyone can contract/approach you to write a guest post in a niche area for their platform.

A contracted guest posting opportunity is where you’re approached by someone who needs your services in an area of expertise.

You may choose to carry out a contracted guest posting agreement voluntarily or on paid terms, depending on the conditions.

How To Land A Contracted Guest Post Opportunity

You can score a contracted guest posting opportunity by advertising your services and skills on a freelancer platform and your social media pages.

Also, you can land a contracted guest posting opportunity through volunteering, job opportunities, recommendations, and personal connections.

For a contracted guest post opportunity, you may or may not get credit for your work, depending on the terms of engagement.

What Is A Cold Guest Post Pitch?

A cold guest post pitch is a situation where you approach a blog you’re interested in writing for and convince them to let you submit a post on their blog.

It’s a lot harder to send a cold pitch for a spot on a blog you’re interested in, especially when you’re a burgeoning writer seeking an audience.

Many of the blogs you are dying to send a pitch to have no clue of your interest in their platform, so it’s up to you to convince them to let you write for their blog.

However, many writers have no clue how to approach blogs or send an attention-grabbing guest post pitch with authority.

This may cause the admins of these blogs to overlook your pitch, discard it, ghost you, or outrightly reject your pitch.

How To Pitch Your Guest Post Like A Pro

Mistakes Writers Make When Sending A Cold Guest Post Pitch

  • Writing your guest post pitch in a haste
  • Sending a pitch that’s not in the category listed in the blog’s submission guidelines.
  • Skip reading the entire submissions guidelines to gain insights about the blog and its guest posting opportunities.
  • Not following the instructions in the guidelines to the latter.
  • Writing a haphazard guest post pitch without an introduction, a category you’ll love to write for, topics you can deliver, and a positive closing remark.
  • Sending a guest post pitch with a subject title in the email you sent.

To prevent your guest post pitch from getting ignored or kicked into the trash can, submitting your post pitch like a pro is the way out.

Below, I’ll teach you how to write a guest post pitch that’ll instantly grab blog admins’ attention.

How To Pitch Your Guest Post Pitch Like A Pro

  • Read submissions guidelines
  • Start with an introduction and highlight your category of choice
  • Outline at least three solid topics and their subtopics in your pitch
  • Read previous posts on the blog
  • Inquire if there is an opening for guest writers on their blog
  • Close your pitch, edit it, and add your social handles
  • Ensure you add your social handles to your pitch before you hit send.

Read Submissions Guidelines

Every blog accepting guest posts from a writer has a carefully written guidelines to direct writers on how to make their submission to the blog.

These guidelines often include categories accepted on the blog, how to submit your pitch, when to submit it, disclaimers, what’s not allowed on the blog, topics in each category, and guests’ post-credit policy, amongst other things.

Skipping this section automatically paints you in an unpleasant light because it shows you don’t pay attention to details or act with intention.

Reading the submission guidelines of a blog and following all instructions before you send your pitch, paints you as a professional and paves the way for a warm invitation.

How To Pitch Your Guest Post Like A Pro

Start With An Introduction And Highlight Your Category Of Choice

Sending a cold pitch means the admins of that blog you want to write for don’t know who you are.

Just writing a quick draft of what you write without first introducing yourself is a waste of time.

Courtesy demands you show some decorum and introduce yourself.

Also, tell the admin in your pitch how you found the blog, why you want to write for them, and how their relationship with you will be beneficial.

You can end this brief intro by including the category you want to write for based on their submission guidelines.

Outline At Least Three Solid Topics And Their Subtopics In Your Pitch

Writing an introduction and highlighting the category you want to write for isn’t enough.

Your pitch has to include at least three topics, each with its subtopics outlined in your pitch. This shows you have authority in that niche, and you’re ready to deliver.

Don’t just go on and on about yourself without getting to the crux of your pitch.

You have only one attempt to make a great first impression. Don’t mess it up.

Read Previous Posts On The Blog Before Pitching Your Topics

This is a blind mistake most guest writers make.

How good your writing is doesn’t matter if you don’t pitch your post in the same tone the blog carries.

Although your topics might (should) differ from all the others already published, reading them will give you a hint about the tone, writing style, and type of topics that resonate with the blog in each category.

Reading previous blog posts also helps you determine whether pitching to that blog is a superb choice.

Armed with this information, pitching your guest post will feel like a breeze.

Inquire If There Is An Opening For Guest Writers On Their Blog

Once you’ve written an excellent but brief introduction, chosen your category, and added topics and sub-topics to your pitch, it’s almost time to close your pitch and hit send.

Don’t hit that button without inquiring if there’s an opening for the opportunity you seek in their blog.

Why do you need to ask?

It’s important because all blogs are not the same and their guest post policy differs.

Some blogs are open to receiving submissions from guest writers all year round, every day, while others might open their portals for submissions occasionally or periodically.

You need to know (although some blogs clearly state these policies in their guidelines) if you have a shot at guest writing for them.

What this does is, even if the blog isn’t open for submissions at the moment, they’ll archive your pitch and reach out to you when open — if your pitch was interesting and attention-grabbing enough to woo them.

So, don’t shy away from asking.

Close Your Pitch, Edit It, And Add Your Social Handles

After a carefully written and summarized pitch that covers all the basics, you’ll close your pitch with warm regard and an affirmative word.

Take a little time to run your pitch through a grammar checker and edit it with finesse to avoid sending a pitch riddled with errors.

Ensure you add your social handles to your pitch before you hit send.

This way, the blog admins can read more about you and create a connection with you through your social media page.

Submit Your Guest Post Pitch As Instructed

They usually outline this last part in the submission guidelines.

It’s proper to take note and submit your guest post pitch as instructed to avoid your beautifully written pitch getting trashed.

If the guidelines state you send a pitch in the body of the mail, send it with a subject attached.

If it states instructs you to send your pitch in a word document, write in a word document, format it properly, and send it.

Don’t be in a haste to throw away your efforts because of an avoidable error.


Pitching a guest pitch isn’t difficult once you’ve mastered the basics. These hacks will guide your next post pitch and help you secure a guest posting opportunity on any blog of your choice.

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