Home Guests Posts Simple DIY Mental Wellness Tips For Burgeoning Writers

Simple DIY Mental Wellness Tips For Burgeoning Writers

by Stephanie Ideho-Iraoya
Simple DIY Mental Wellness Tips For Burgeoning Writers

Mental exhaustion is a challenge encountered by burgeoning writers in their careers. By implementing these simple DIY mental wellness tips in your writing routines, you can protect your mental space from burnout and acute stress.
The demands of the writing process can be brutally taxing, making it normal to feel anxious at the beginning of your journey. But overly accumulating stress can impact your productivity and cause severe burnout.

Maintaining a healthy and productive writing lifestyle demands that you prioritize your mental wellness alongside your creative pursuits.

As a writer, if you are feeling overly distracted, lack concentration, are depressed, or otherwise unwell, it can be difficult for you to think creatively and produce your best work. On the other hand, if you are feeling happy, relaxed, and healthy, you’ll create better content.

In this article, we will explore simple DIY mental wellness tips you can implement to prioritize mind care as a writer.

Establish A Writing Routine That Effortlessly Blends With Your Daily Schedules

Succeeding as a writer demands that you establish a regular writing routine and stick with it to induce long-term writing habits. This produces positive results only if you establish a writing routine that effortlessly blends with your daily schedules.

Dedicating ample time to focus on your writing that doesn’t upset your regular routines provides a sense of structure and purpose that increases your creative productivity without causing too much strain on your mental health.

Avoid scheduling your writing routine haphazardly without considering your triggers, creative time, and daily obligations because this could fast-track your journey to burning out.

Seek Support/Professional Help When Needed

Although writing is tagged as a solitary pursuit, it is important to resound the reminder that you do not have to go through it alone.

If you are struggling with your creative pursuits or sense that it is taking a toll on your mental health, do not be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional.

These individuals will provide you with the valuable guidance and support you need to retrace your steps, reprioritize, and maintain a healthy and productive writing life.

Stay Organized

Have you ever wondered why your thoughts are all over the place? Psychologists say a cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind, making it difficult to focus on your writing.

Take out time to organize your writing space and create a system for managing your projects and ideas.

Simple DIY Mental Wellness Tips For Burgeoning Writers

Practice Mindfulness And Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is a powerful tool in managing stress and anxiety when ingrained in the writing process. It also helps improve your overall well-being.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your writing routine, such as deep breathing, meditation, and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings in the present, is a great way to prioritize your mental care even while writing.

Another way to practice mindfulness is to connect with others. Consider joining support groups, an online community for writers, or reaching out to friends and family for support.

Sharing your experiences and struggles with others who understand can provide a sense of belonging and validation that makes your writing journey feel less isolated.

There are many techniques and approaches to mindfulness and meditation, so experiment to find what works best for you.

Take Regular Breaks

The simplest DIY mental wellness tip in the books is taking regular breaks.

Writing can be mentally exhausting, so making time for activities you enjoy outside of writing is important. These activities may include exercising, spending time with friends and family, or engaging in a hobby.

Taking breaks and engaging in activities you love reduces stress, prevents burnout, and boosts your mood. It also improves your mental state by making you feel less overwhelmed and drained.

These activities can be as little as taking a walk, listening to music, or doing something refreshing that relaxes your mind when you get swamped and occupied with writing and meeting deadlines.

Take Care Of Your Physical Health

Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep can positively impact your mental health. Be sure to prioritize these things in your daily routine.

Only a healthy body can support a healthy mind and help you maintain the energy and focus you need to write.

Setting Realistic Goals And Expectations

The pressure of achievement induces stress, which is made worse if you’re chasing unrealistic goals and expectations you’ve set for yourself.

A key aspect of conditioning your mind for success and protecting your mental health as a writer is setting realistic writing goals and expectations.

It is easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out if you are trying to achieve too much in too little time and with few actionable plans. Instead, try setting smart goals for yourself and give yourself the time and space to work toward them.

This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and allow you to enjoy writing rather than getting bogged down by unrealistic expectations.


Prioritizing your mental health by incorporating these simple DIY mental wellness tips into your daily routine, you have intentionally improved and created room for a productive writing experience.

Whether you are just starting as a writer or have been writing for years, protecting your mental space is essential for success. Overall, it is important to remember that mind care is not a luxury but a necessity for maintaining mental wellness.

As a writer, it is easy to get caught up in your work and neglect your well-being. Properly caring for your mental health as a writer requires a combination of self-care, support, and a healthy approach to your writing practice.

By setting realistic goals, taking regular breaks, and cultivating positive support systems, you can ensure that your writing remains a positive and fulfilling pursuit.

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